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NPIP and Biosecurity

The National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) is a cooperative Federal-State-Industry program developed for controlling certain poultry diseases. NPIP consists of a variety of programs intended to prevent and control egg-transmitted, hatchery disseminated poultry diseases. NPIP identifies states, flocks, hatcheries, and dealers that meet certain disease control standards specified in the various programs. As a result, customers may buy poultry that has tested free of certain diseases or conditions. Being a member of NPIP allows greater ease in moving hatching eggs/live birds within the state, across state lines, and into other countries. In fact, most countries will not accept hatching eggs/live birds unless they are shown to be a NPIP participant.

The Iowa Poultry Association oversees Iowa’s involvement in NPIP, regulates the importation and exportation of birds, issues permits for breeder flocks, along with administering laws and rules regarding poultry in Iowa. If you wish to have your flock NPIP certified, please complete one of the following applications:


Chick Dealer

Commercial Egg Layer, Broiler or Turkey Producer

If you have questions about the application process or the Iowa NPIP program, please contact Elycia Ahl at the Iowa Poultry Association, 515-727-4701 ext. 100, or via email at